
The FirstRand Foundation believes that corporate social investment is a neutral and collaborative space. In order to positively impact society, corporates and other stakeholders should work together to determine, adopt and spread best practice in social development. With this in mind, the FirstRand Foundation has embarked on a knowledge sharing campaign by making publicly available its programme strategy documents, evaluations and other reports of value. Sharing such documents should develop good practice in CSI and social programming, as well as influencing other corporates to do the same.

Early childhood development non-centre-based care programme

This document provides an overview of the results of data obtained from programme partners in the FNB early childhood development non-centre-based care programme. It reports on two of the programme’s outcomes and provides a summary of the results, an interpretation of what these results mean and a recommendation for improvement. It also provides a breakdown of the results by indicator with supporting data visualisations.

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FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit

This resource kit, developed by the FirstRand Foundation (FRF), is intended to assist and guide its programme partners (PPs) to mainstream disability at an organisational, policy and programme/project level. The multiple levels of mainstreaming mean that PPs will be including persons with disabilities both as programme implementers and as beneficiaries. This kit is intended to be a permanent resource for FRF PPs. It is important to note that it reflects the policies, programme and approaches to addressing disability matters at the time of writing: 2016.

FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit – Across all sectors 2016
FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit – Creative Arts 2016
FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit – FSALP 2016
FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit – Environment 2016
FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit – ECD 2016
FirstRand Foundation disability mainstreaming resource kit – TEP 2016


The mathematics education and numeracy chairs’ programme final report

The vision of the programme is for the private and public sectors in South Africa to collaborate and contribute towards improving mathematics education in South Africa. Drawing upon the intellectual resources at universities in the form of academics and researchers, the programme intends to address the problems which create barriers for the people of South Africa to reach their full potential. These barriers often stem from the lack of access to quality mathematics education at school. The maths education and numeracy chairs’ programme is one of the programmes funded within the education sector. It is a programme initiated by the FirstRand Foundation in partnership with the Rand Merchant Bank Fund, Anglo American Chairman’s Fund and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), and administered by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Tshikululu Social Investments.

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PEP end-term evaluation

The FNB primary education programme (PEP), funded by the FirstRand Foundation / FNB Fund, is dedicated to providing aid and support to the primary education sector. The rationale for the PEP is that several studies have shown that there is a limited impact on interventions made at secondary school level if no firm foundation has been laid at primary school level.

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Mathematics education chairs booklet

Into its ninth year of implementation (2010 – 2018) and second five-year cycle of funding, the Mathematics Education Chairs Initiative has made great strides in its goal of improving mathematics teaching and learning in South Africa. As you will glean from the booklet, the Research Chairs, in their individual and collective capacity have identified, designed, researched and implemented innovative solutions for improving inservice mathematics education.

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