Populism became one of the most widely used political terms in 2016 after Donald Trump was elected to the White House
and the UK electorate voted ‘GO’ in the Brexit referendum.
It recently came as a surprise to learn that the world’s largest living organism is neither a plant nor an animal. Rather it is
somewhere in between a plant and an insect.
Oscar Wilde’s whimsical 1800’s quote “money was made to be spent, therefore, to save it is a waste of money” recently
became true. This is the result of the growing global phenomenon of negative interest rates.
A good share of modern physics is based on the laws of thermodynamics, which help us to understand how matter and
energy relate to one another in closed systems, such as the universe.
The notion of a “corporate animal” reminds me of Yann Martel’s idea in Life of Pi that wild animals enjoy the physical safety and food security of living in a zoo more than having to fend for themselves in the wild.
08.2019 | Jon Stilwell
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FirstRand perspectives
The group thrives on innovation and encourages original thinking. Perspectives is a portal to content
we have specifically commissioned to explore new ideas and unique concepts.