Showing all results tagged "Millennials"

Resilience Part 2: Shellshock, resilience and meaning

In contrast to the “ghastly mental health issues” afflicting the millennial generation, a little over 100 years ago, 60 million young peoples’ lives were moulded and defined by a world at war. 9 million died.

Resilience Part 1: Shellshock and Snowflakes

“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.”

We date like we shop

As much as this is such a tired cliché, there is some truth to the widespread millennial observation that dating in this generation is harder and more complicated than it used to be.

In defence of millennials: Speak to us, dammit

Another day, another article about the supposed habits of millennials written by older generations, with contributions from other members of the same generation. It is hilarious.

One size fits all - or does it?

Marketers tend to make sweeping statements about entire generations. Is it dangerous to create a ‘one size fits all’ scenario when talking about any group in particular?

The unlikely aesthetic premium that millennials are willing to pay for luxury goods

How millennials rent luxury lifestyles – and savvy brands are cashing in.